Saturday, January 30, 2010


God has not promised skies always blue,
flower-strewn pathways all our lives through;
God has not promised sun without rain,
joy without sorrow, peace without pain.
But God has promised strength for the day,
rest for the labour, light for the way,
Grace for the trials, help from above,
unfailing sympathy, undying love.

Just Ordinary Reflection

I have come to learn that, people who have been through a lot, goof up as equally many times as he has done well, do not tell people how much they have gone through. They do not advice people unless asked,they neither praise nor condemn. In short, they don't judge. They have been through so much that they know that anytime, anywhere, fate can twist your life around. And they of all people, know only too well, that what fate dictates is as how HE has ordained ,...and there is no use fretting or complaining. One just have to ride it through...and survive it as best as one can.
So how do we know they have been through a lot? Their calm disposition, their very few words, carefully and thoughtfully said, says it all.

This I have learnt, from people who have been through a lot.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Every so often I feel like I am falling into a dark abyss....the dismal feeling of helplessness, of despair so strong it grips itself around the heart until it just becomes too difficult to even draw in a struggle you gasp for life, to get out of the dark void....try desperately to hold on to something...but your frail fingers just only catch the thin cold air of...nothingness...

Until you decide, you are through with fighting...and you just let yourself drop slowly down the bottomless pit...surrendering yourself to fate...or whatever you may call disappear into oblivion might be, or could be a blessing becomes okay to be invisible, to be a non-entity...mere just let have had your share of struggling....and now you just want to let go...

Often...that is the time, when you find a hand reaching out to you...and pulling you back to the surface...and suddenly you will be were not made to break....

Friday, January 15, 2010


Sometimes you just feel so tired ...and you ask yourself when will all this end? the trials, the tribulations, the test on life itself. You slog on from day to day, you struggle to overcome the personal problems.

You choose the right words to say ... and still you are misunderstood, you make decisions after giving your best deliberate thoughts ...and still you goof up. You wish the earth would swallow you up..but you find yourself standing on solid ground.

And you find yourself looking up to the sky and asking .. "What more? What next?"

Sometimes just when you think things couldnt get any more worse...bummer...they just find a way of getting more worse.

Yet at other times, just when you are about to give up, and surrender ....suddenly help and relief come in the way you least expect...

This is the time when you feel closer to HIM, that you feel HE is still watching, that you feel HE still cares...the test and trials are just by ways of making you stronger, making you a person of more substance.

At least, that is whatI choose to set my keep me going ....